Category: New wallpapers
New desktop,phone,pad,tablet,Facebook backgrounds,wallpapers,covers and photos.
Scientists say we are closer to a Star Trek “Warp Drive” than once thought.
Posted onSamsung announces Galaxy SIV phone for Q1 2013.
Posted onIt seems like the Galaxy S III has only been out a short while. Perhaps this is because of all the news of Apple and Samsung battling it out in the court room.
Well let us enjoy some more fine Samsung wallpapers. the best source for AMD wallpapers!

Can you get enough of the Microsoft wallpapers?
Posted onMicrosoft’s new 2012 logo is in the woods!
Posted onMicrosoft had good intentions with Windows Vista. The name infers beautiful natural landscapes. There really is no need for Microsoft to stir clear away from this motif. After all, who doesn’t like looking at beautiful landscapes? the best source for AMD wallpapers!

Microsoft Windows 8, where do you want to go today?
Posted onMicrosoft’s new 2012 logo is supposed to be a window. It’s certainly shaped like one. Here is a wallpaper that shows four very beautiful places on this Earth through the new Microsoft 2012 logo. Where do you want to go today? the best source for AMD wallpapers!

A variation on a popular wallpaper for AMD fans.
Posted onIf you see a wallpaper you like with a logo you don’t relate to, just request for an edit. Our members enjoy the challenge! the best source for AMD wallpapers!

Microsoft holds the number one spot for operating systems in the world.
Posted onAsteroid the size of the Eiffel Tower breezed by Earth yesterday.
Posted onSo here is a wallpaper to help you visualize the encounter a little more up close and personal.
Put together using actual photos of stars, earth, moon and asteroid. Photos from either Hubble or Nasa. Yes that is an actual asteroid! the best source for AMD wallpapers!